Marchand, E., Schoener, N., Sandoval-Franquez, J., Kendro, K., & Barner, D. (in prep; pre-registered). The Development of Subitizing in Bilingual Children. OSF. March 22

Marchand, E., Lovelett, J. T., Kendro, K., & Barner, D. (2022). Assessing the knower-level framework: How reliable is the Give-a-Number task?. Cognition, 222, 104998.

Marchand, E., Wade, S., Sullivan, J., & Barner, D. (2020). Language-specific numerical estimation in bilingual children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 197, 104860. [pdf]

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (2020) How Reliable is the Give-a-Number task?. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Society. [pdf]

Marchand, E., & Barner, D. (2019). The Acquisition of French Un. Proceedings of the 41th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Society. [pdf]

Marchand, E., & Barner, D. (2018). Analogical mapping in numerical development. In Language and Culture in Mathematical Cognition (pp. 31-47). Academic Press. [pdf]

Barner, D., Athanasopoulou, A., Chu, J., Lewis, M., Marchand, E., Schneider, R. M., Frank, M. C. (2017). A one-year classroom-randomized trial of mental abacus instruction for first- and second-grade students. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 3(3), 540-558.

Posters & Presentations

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (July 2021). Do representations of number words transfer across bilingual children’s languages? Poster presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology (virtual conference).

Schoener, N., Marchand, E., Barner, D., (July 2021). Subitizing Abilities of Bilingual Subset-Knowers. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (virtual conference).

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (April 2021). How Reliable is the Give-a-Number task? Flash Talk presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (virtual conference).

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (April 2021). The Acquisition of French Un. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (virtual conference).

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (November 2020). How Reliable is the Give-a-Number task? Talk presented at the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society, Dublin, Ireland (virtual conference).

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (July 2020). How Reliable is the Give-a-Number task? Talk presented at 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Toronto, Canada (virtual conference).

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (July 2019). The Acquisition of French Un. Poster presented at the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, San Diego, California.

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (July 2019). The Acquisition of French Un. Talk presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Montreal, Canada.

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (June 2019). The impact of morphology on French-speaking children’s interpretation of number words. Poster presented at the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society, Ottawa, Canada.

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (June 2019). The Acquisition of French Un. Talk presented at the Jean Piaget Society, Portland, Oregon.

Marchand, E., Barner, D. (2018). Comparison of small sets and number word comprehension. Poster presented at the Cognitive Science Society Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.

Wang, Y., Marchand, E., Barner, D. (2018). The Role of Pragmatics in Explaining the Difference between One and A. Poster presented at the Honors Poster Session of UCSD, San Diego, California.

Marchand, E., Wade, S., Sullivan, J., & Barner, D. (2017). Estimation abilities in bilingual French-English children. Talk presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Austin, Texas.

Marchand, E., Wade, S., Sullivan, J., & Barner, D. (2016). Estimation abilities in bilingual French-English children. Poster presented at the Math Cognition and Learning Conference, Dallas Forth-Worth, Texas.

Honoré, N., Noël, M-P., Marchand, E., (2015). Impact of spatial versus non-spatial training of number magnitude on numerical development. Poster presented at the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.